IT Laws

false Electronic Signature Certificates
Blogs, IT Laws

Consequences of publishing false Electronic Signature Certificates

The 21st century is regarded as the modern period where the evolution of almost everything has taken place and therefore,  new communication systems and digital technologies have made drastic yet dramatic changes in the way we live, a revolution in the way people transact business. Businesses and consumers are increasingly using computers to create, transmit […]

Blogs, IT Laws

Cyber Security Challenges and Trends in 2021

In the present age, Cyber Security assumes a pivotal job in the field of data innovation (IT). The main part of Securing the data has got one of the greatest tests in everyday life. At whatever point we talk about network safety, the principal thing that rings a bell is ‘digital violations.’ which are expanding

Blogs, IT Laws

Dimensions of IPR in Cyberspace

The approach of Personal Computers, trailed by the Internet has reformed human life. The data can be easily accessed, put away, recovered, or even dispersed expediently, without any problem. The conventional paper records are presently being supplanted by their electronic reciprocals. The business exchanges and people working are increasingly more determined by advanced innovation. This

Blogs, IT Laws

Legality of Electronic Contracts

The world has become a lot more competitive than the previous decade and now the companies are under immense pressure to perform better than their competitors, constantly more so than ever. Efficiency and Quality are the most important aspects of delivery and service today. Also, through the emergence of the digital era and introduction of

Blogs, IT Laws

Biometric Data Law And Privacy Concerns

Biometric authentication is widely used today in various fields for verification of identity and its use has heightened to an unimaginable extent. Though the identification process of biometric security systems provides accuracy, it also acquires sensitive data that is vulnerable and can be misused. The usage of biometric data is not new but the uses have broadened over the years. Police have been using biometric data like fingerprinting, DNA tests, etc., for decades now. What is new is the usage of fingerprint to unlock gadgets, using the same for workplace management to keep a track of workers’ time log, etc,. Biometric Databases come along with disadvantages that are in par with its advantages. Biometric information which is categorised as personal information has to be protected and stringent regulations are required for the same as databases can be hacked and sensitive data can be mishandled. This is a significant issue as it is related to privacy, consent and other areas of importance.

Blogs, IT Laws

Cyber Terrorism and How Internet is Used to Propagate it

The year 2020 has made us see all things from pandemic to death to our beloved stars. But wait this is not it, just when we were thinking that we have seen it all then came the Chinese tension and along with it came the threat of cyber terrorism and it’s just not threatening India

Blogs, IT Laws


We have reached that generation with time where even doctors are consulted through virtual calls and everything is just a click away. The Internet has actually made our lives way easier than any of us ever thought. But as we all know, there are two sides to every coin. Similarly, there are few people who

IT Laws, What's New

Cyber Abuse

The Indian government has come up with some policies in 2019, including CERT-In, an agency that signed various MoUs to help to tackle cybersecurity and is helping to reduce the number of cyber attacks on government networks and the National Cyber Security Policy, which focuses on building secure cyberspace for personal information, business information, etc., and also helps to respond to any abuse reported. 

Blogs, IT Laws

Cybercrimes and the Need for New Laws

In today’s time, technology is advancing rapidly. In almost all the spheres of life, people have become dependent on the internet. It has become a substitute for all the characteristics of life. With the advancement of technology, everything is shifting towards the online mode. This development has brought with it the possibility of crime in

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