
Blogs, Family Law, Trending


In every religion marriage is the purest ceremony that has to be performed as per the rituals and customs. Unlike the Hindu marriage, Muslim marriage is almost a contract where a sum of money or something is given to the wife as the consideration of marriage. Mahr in Muslim law is an amount paid to […]

Blogs, Contemporary Law, Trending, What's New

New Farm Acts: Why Are Farmers Protesting?

Amidst the appalling crumble of the nation’s economy due to the rampant Covid-19 pandemic situation, the Union Cabinet on 5th June 2020 promulgated three ordinances seeking to revamp the Agricultural Sector in India, reshuffling the existing skeleton of the said market. These three agricultural acts, commonly referred to as Farm Acts 2020 includes – Farmers’

Poem, Current Issues, Social Issues, Trending

The Real Me Is Lost?

I’m fed up of everything and everyone. I am done. I want no one.  My soul is tired. Body is exhausted.  My heart is shrunk and shrivelled. I’ve lost the strength to face this fake world, That’s why I don’t want to get merged. 

Blogs, Current Issues, Social Issues, Trending, What's New

Marital rape- An Oxymoron?

The general meaning of rape can be understood as unlawful and forced sexual intercourse. Merriam Webster defines it as an illegal sexual activity committed by force or due to threat of injury and is against the will of the victim or someone incapable of giving consent due to mental disability, disorder, and unconsciousness.
The term’s legal definition, in the context of its consideration under Indian laws, has been codified under Section 375[1] of Indian Penal Code, 1860.

Blogs, Trending

Prevention of Child Labor

Child labor is something that is distinguished from normal labor. Child labor refers to a practice whereby a child, under the legal age for working, i.e. 14 years, is made to do work that is physically or mentally harmful for them in such age. Universally, the age for considering a person a child is 18 years of age. Child labor occurs in almost every industry, for example, brick making, bangle making, agriculture, and various hazardous work.

Blogs, Trending

Analysis of Sources of Law In India

The study of Sources of Law is the study of various phases of its development that gave it new drive and vigor and enabled it to verify the dynamical wants. Law is not static, since society is constantly evolving, legal guidelines also are changed to keep pace with the necessities of society. There are as many interpretations of the expression ‘Sources of Law’ as there are schools and theories regarding the concept of Law

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